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Why Choose IR?



What is IR?
Infrared (IR) is a part of electromagnetic spectrum ranging from 0.76μm to 1000μm and lies just beyond red color of visible light. Infrared is invisible. However it has properties similar to light i.e. it travels at the speed of light, it can be directed or focused and it travels very well even in vacuum.
When IR radiation is absorbed by an object, heat is generated internally in the object as IR causes the atom of the object to vibrate, raising its temperature. IR does not need any medium like air or water to heat a substance.


What is NIR?
IR radiation can be divided into two big sections: one is far infrared with a wavelength of 4~1000μm while the other is near infrared (NIR) of 0.76~4μm. Far infrared only arrives at the surface and relies on the conduction to heat up the objects for lacking the ability of penetration, losing large volume of energy during the process and causing uneven heating on the surface. However, near infrared not only can arrive at the surface with little energy lose but also can penetrate into the inner part of the object to heat from within to achieve even heating, to heat faster and to make the heating process more energy-efficient.

Infrared wavelength can be divided into four ranges:
NIR--- SW (short wave infrared): 0.76~1.7μm
NIR--- Fast MW (medium wave infrared): 1.7~2.3μm
NIR--- MW (medium wave infrared): 2.3~4μm
Far infrared: 4~1000μm

What about Senttech NIR?
8 intervals divided for precise heating

The wavelength of an infrared emitter has major influence on the efficiency of a thermal process. The better the emitted wavelength fits the absorption spectrum of the object to be heated, the more efficient the process. Senttech Infrared divides SW, Fast MW and MW into 8 intervals according to the properties of materials heated to perfectly match the absorption wavelength of the work piece.

Match and non-match heating theory adopted
Infrared heating has a long history in using but few people do dig into studying how to use it well while Senttech Infrared is one of those who aim at providing the most efficient heating systems to the world. Match heating theory was first raised up by a Japanese scientist, which emphasizes the importance of similar wavelength in heating. Thanks to the great theory, people can heat the silver ink on PET film and water-based ink on paper well by applying the similar wavelength of water. But what about the coating on metals or other materials? Should we apply the same wavelength? The answer is no. Professor Hou Lantian, a great Chinese scientist in CAS, has brought us with a brand-new theory which is non-match heating theory. If we want to heat ink on the metals, we should heat metals first and then heat the ink on them or we should first heat them both and then the ink to ensure better curing effect. In one word, we should consider heating the base material as well when we want to heat the coating or printing on it.